Theatre tour
Мы специализируемся на организации масштабных фестивалей, гастролей театров, конференций и круглых столов, выставок, концертов классической музыки в России и за рубежом. Организуем городские культурно-массовые события любого масштаба в любой точке мира, а также корпоративные выезды сотрудников с культурной составляющей.
Preparation of the tour

How to get comfortable on an unfamiliar scene? How to translate all the necessary scenery and costumes and not go broke on this? How to choose a repertoire and win an unfamiliar audience? And how after a long journey to look better than you looked in your 10 years?
For the beggining
We formulate goals, analyze investment opportunities, develop a project plan, prepare lists of tour participants
The structure of work and contractors is being formed, contracts are being concluded with contractors, work schedules, project budget are being built, design estimates are being developed.
Work is underway to implement the project: the logistics of participants are being built (art production, actors), sets, costumes.
Tour organization

Our agency provides a full range of touring services: from creative to technical. We carry out a full cycle, including ticket sales and a PR-company of tour shows.
Advertising, ticket sales, working with the media, bloggers and TV, the theater community. Team reception and technical support, accommodation and communication at the venue of the tour.
Monitoring and evaluation. Feedback from viewers, the theater, the site, the collection of reviews in social networks
Summing up, reporting